Welcome to The Heart-Centered Rebel™ Letters!

I'm Kat Collins, a web designer, illustrator, artist, and writer. I deeply believe in empowering you to be your authentic self, own your voice, and stop listening to the world tell you how and what you “should” be so that you can become effective changemakers.

I know what it’s like to be stuffed into that tiny box. I grew up in a very conservative religious environment and all the expectations that come with that. I believed I had to hide who I truly was because I was told that my true self, my authentic self, was unacceptable. Until I met someone who repeatedly told me and showed me that “I MATTER” which changed my life. Once I believed in myself, I realized I had the power to effect change, big and small.

It’s my mission to build a community of Changemakers, of Heart-Centered Rebels, to empower you to own your voice, speak up, speak out, and get into “good trouble.” These letters are meant to inspire, make you think, challenge the status quo, and to push us to use our collective power for transformative social change.

Without social change, we cannot progress as a society. With education and community, we can have difficult conversations that can lead to social change. It has been done before, and it will happen again. It’s how society has changed not only laws but cultural norms and expectations, leading to more acceptance and tolerance. Of course, there will always be opponents to different types of social change, no matter how far we have come.

Change begins with how and when we interact with others and is usually inspired by ideological, political, and economic movements. Social change usually starts at the bottom and works its way up, first to society on a mass scale, and eventually, lawmakers and people in power. But, sometimes, it can move from the top down, like when a new leader comes into office.

We have to listen to the opinions of others and have what could be difficult conversations in order to make a change. It’s about listening to another person’s perspective on a given issue, even if you don’t necessarily agree. It’s also about being persistent and fighting for what you believe in, even if it’s not easy.

What You Get

PAID subscribers (just $5.00 monthly or $45 yearly) - subscribing enables me to keep writing to “speak up, speak out, and get in the way.”

  • Get full access to all issues

  • Features like Q & A sessions

  • Ability to comment on articles

  • Special comment threads where I’ll listen to you (and take occasional requests!) and we can all get together and talk about the tough stuff

  • “The Digest” where I chat about all the books I’ve been reading and what I really think of them, links worth clicking to insightful and necessary articles, and so much more.

  • You’ll also be the very first ones to hear about any new books, projects, or announcements.

  • Plus: full access to the archive, which is fabulous. 

Subscribers usually hear from me weekly - sometimes more, sometimes less but that’s the goal (we all know what happens to the best-laid plans of mice and men…). And don’t forget to click through the emails to the comments as I’m all about community!

The full year of maximized HCR Letters is just $5/month USD or - good deal alert - $45/year USD for the entire year of full-powered HCR Letters.

Don’t want to pay? Don’t worry - unpaid subscribers will still receive The HCR Letters now and then. And I’ll keep you clued in on what’s happening.

Can’t afford to pay? If you are a contingent worker or un- or under-employed, just email and I’ll give you a free subscription, no questions asked. If you’d like to underwrite one of those subscriptions, you can donate one here.

I genuinely enjoy writing The HCR Letters for you and saying the things that need to be said. I think they’re awesome but don’t take my word for it. Here’s what some others are saying…

“Your writing is stunning. I can really picture everything you say.”

“I just wanted to let you know that I loved this piece.  Well done!”

“You have a gift for clearly and succinctly saying what we’re all feeling.”

“Thank You for writing this and reminding me to slow down, smell the flowers, and be certain my life priorities are in line.”


“I look forward to reading more of these Rebel Letters and your writing.”

“I can’t wait to get your weekly letters and sit down with a cup of coffee to read them.”

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Housekeeping (in your best Tommy Boy voice…)

SPAM. No, not the canned kind. Although it is good in a “ham” salad.

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If you are having technical issues or aren’t receiving The HCR Letters, please email heartcenteredrebel@substack.com.

You can always log in to the website to read the full archives and other posts as they are published.

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I have a “regular” official website for my web design services, my art for sale, and much more. Click here to visit my website.

I'm over on Instagram, too, so hope to see you there!

Thanks again, and please tell a few friends if you feel like it.

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Heart-Centered Rebels getting into "good trouble, necessary trouble" to push for transformative social change. Speak up, speak out, and get in the way.